“K2 is associated with strength and resolve that comes from feeling harmonious and balance. Its the granite that gives K2 its powerful grounding effects, opening the doors to your sharpest intuition. Its a stone mined from the snowy peaks of Pakistan’s K2, the second highest mountain in the world. The rugged mountain peaks make mining difficult, this stone is extremely rare and difficult to find. The blue in K2 is from Azurite.
K2 is an excellent stone for deepening your meditation practice. In all aspects of life K2 grounds, centres and rebalances, giving more control over your emotions and mind. It facilitates sharing with others at the deepest level, understanding their point of view.
K2 promotes group harmony and working together to attain a goal. This is a stone of peace and reconciliation, healing personal and collective conflict. It teaches that peace in the world can only be attained when there is peace in our heart. K2 accesses the Akashic record and facilitates soul retrieval and past-life readings. It clears psychic blockages and prohibitions.
K2 is found in Pakistan.”