“SCOLECITE has a high vibration, as well as a strong stone to aid in communication, more especially with the spirit. This is a stone, which stimulates the heart. It has a great resonance within the chakras from heart up.
SCOLECITE is what facilitates deep spiritual transformation and inner peace. Scolecite is a wonderful crystal to help you in feeling calmer and even more relaxed. Having a tumble stone under the pillow can help with a restful night’s sleep.
SCOLECITE stabilises the neuro-transmitters and fine tunes the nervous system after an influx of higher vibrations. Place Scolecite on the chakras to realign the physical body with the light-body.
SCOLECITE is appropriate is you are new to high vibration crystals or for a sensitive energy field. It heals auric holes and splits, or fragmentation where negative energies or entities could attach. The crystal hooks out remnants of detrimental patterns or beliefs, clearing the etheric blueprint and mental body. Combine with Flint to create a stable earth matrix during profound change, or reverse polluted earth energy flows.
SCOLECITE is found in the USA, India, Brazil, Scotland and Iceland.”