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Kammerite / Kammererite Crystal Cabochon Up To 25mm

SKU: f48a1e1da110

Kammerite / Kammererite Crystal Cabochon Up To 25mm


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Kammerite Crystal Cabochon Up To 25mm, the listing is for one, random pick.

Kammererite are potent crystals to use to create a protective grid for your home.

They have a vibration that is very beneficial to assist your thinking as ithelps to balance the brain.

By bringing both sides of the brain into symmetry they help to create a more harmonious life.

When you use them in meditation you may attain a deeper meditative state and their energy may assist you to make contact with angelic beings. They are deep purple or pinkish purple, green purple stones that resonate within the third eye, crown chakra, soul star and higher etheric chakras.

These stones are interesting because they are chlorite rich stones that are not only coloured green, like many other crystals containing chlorite.

Unlike other stones containing chlorite these crystals also contain chromium which makes their color and energy different.

The presence of chlorite makes them excellent healing stones that also have a strong spiritual vibration.


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